Legionella Implementation Guide

What’s inside:

Legionella bacteria are responsible for the most water-associated disease outbreaks in the U.S. and cases have been increasing steadily in North America over the last ~20 years. Despite this fact, regulations and technologies have been slow to make an impact.

However, newer technologies like qPCR present the opportunity for more proactive detection and control of Legionella bacteria. It’s another valuable tool in the toolbox to reduce Legionnaire’s disease.

Our Legionella Implementation Guide will help you understand how to build a monitoring plan that integrates factors such as testing locations and population risk levels. We also discuss:

  • Culture vs. qPCR testing
  • Choosing to monitor for Legionella species vs. Legionella pneumophila
  • Understanding difference between culture testing results (CFU/mL) and qPCR results (GU/mL)
  • Develop a system baseline to determine when action is needed


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