Case study: BQUA Plus test kit evaluation for a local port authority ballast water policy

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Ballast water management policies are implemented to prevent the release of invasive and non-native species or pathogens to marine ecosystems from the discharge of untreated ballast water from ships. The release of these non-indigenous organisms can disrupt marine ecology and could potentially cause substantial environmental and economic impacts.

Orkney Islands Council (OIC) approved and implemented a Ballast Water Management Policy in 2013 for Scapa Flow, a body of water in the Orkney Islands, Scotland, following the International Maritime Organization Ballast Water Management Convention (IMO BWMC) D2 Standard.

The OIC ballast water management policy states that all vessels wishing to discharge ballast water (BW) must exchange and treat ballast water using a ballast water treatment system (BWTS) before entering Scapa Flow.

LuminUltra’s BQUA Plus Ballast Water test kit was used by Orkney Harbour Authority to test ballast water from vessels wishing to discharge treated ballast water into Scapa Flow. This rapid and accurate method of compliance testing prevents the need for costly detailed analysis, allowing efficient management of ballast water in the Scapa Flow.

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